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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Striking Presence of Being Nude

Makeup! <3 The most popular women's beauty product on the planet. For some women it is a necessity, for others it's repulsive and for those women like myself makeup is a burden that we choose whether or not to tackle on a day to day basis. This post is to explore the pros and cons of going nude (in the context of makeup) and also get opinions from others.
This is me with makeup. A small amount but it is there. I'm wearing mascara and lipgloss only. But below is a picture of me with absolutely no makeup. Not a drop.
See what I mean? The difference between the two pictures isn't exactly drastic. Its actually not even really noticable! Although I am one of those ladies who is blessed with naturally smooth skin I am also a strong believer in pampering your skin and treating it with kindness. For me this means absolutely no foundation or harsh chemicals, using facial wash every morning and exfoliating twice a week. As a reward my skin is almost always flawless and glowing. Another plus to not wearing makeup everyday? My eyelashes are strong and long thanks to the fact that I'm not coating them with mascara and my lips are perfectly kissable because i use chapstick under all of my lipglosses and Burt's Bees Beesewax during the wintertime!

  So what I want to know from whoever you are reading this is: What are your opinions on the matter of makeup?
Feel free to post a comment or simply vote in the poll on the right side of the screen!

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