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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Music For The Sensitive Soul :)

I confess this: I am a hopeless romantic. I live to love. I love everything and everyone! It's just in my nature I suppose. And my friends often tell me that my music reflects my personality to the core. My friend Ria once told me: "When I listen to your music it's like I can hear you whispering in my ear your life story." (Ria's a poet lol) and after she told me that I began to ponder the importance of music and what it does for your spirit.
If you are a fellow music lover I would encourage you to read the book: This Is Your Brain On Music by: Daniel J. Levitin. This is one of my all time favorite books. It is incredably well written and although it is based off of scientific data which, if you aren't into geeky science stuff like myself, can be a bit hard to comprehend it is still well worth your time in my opinion.

Here are some of my favorite songs. Listen to them and see if you can imagine what I'm like in person. And even is you can't imagine they're still really great songs by some of my all-time favorite artists. :)
  • Warwick Avenue- Duffy
  • Banana Pancakes- Jack Johnson
  • Stare into the Sun- Grafitti6
  • One and Only- Adele
  • Simple Math- Manchester Orchestra
  • Come Away with me- Norah Jones
  • Hey Little Rich Girl- Amy Winehouse
  • Valerie- Amy Winehouse
  • Tightrope- Janelle Monae
  • Fear- Jasmin Sullivan
  • Ordinary People- John Legend
  • I'm Every Woman- Whitney Houston

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