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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh Charlie you have Charmed me once more!

I am in love! Again! With yet another store that has changed my life for the better! Charming Charlie is an incredible store that I believe every jewelry feign on EARTH should know about.

When you walk inside of this store it's like walking into a chamber of godliness! View a partial picture of the store below.

Once you have allowed yourself to continue breathing the only natural thing to do is SHOP! Exploring this store is heavenly for a girl like me. Not only is each individual station separated by color, it is also organized by style! It's the OCD/fashionistas dream come true! And as I skipped through the store picking up little trinkets and trying on the most fabulous (and sometimes gaudy) pieces I began allow myself to slip into my happy place. Girls, and guys, if you want to find your happy place and allow yourself to be a little girl again: go to Charming Charlie. Your life is guaranteed to be forever changed. For the better! :)

Now, just because I can't help myself, and because I have been asked by a certain male under the name of Is**ah I will post some pictures of my escapades in Charming Charlie. I know, I know... They're not very.... Sophisticated lol.

Pssst: That full black ensemble was my real outfit! Cute huh? :)

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