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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mourn or Carry on?

I haven't blogged in a while guys... And I'm sorry. Life's kinda been busy lately but don't think I've neglected looking fabulous!

But before I upload pictures of myself in my favorite outfits from this week (those will come in a later post) I would like to present a question to everyone reading this. What do you do after you get dumped my a guy? I'm honestly not sure because I don't have much experience with this particular situation but seriously! Do you mourn or carry on?

........ The liberal BA girl in me really wants to say that you should just carry on and snatch up a new guy then rub it in your ex-lovers face. But we all know I'm a hopeless romantic and I could never bring myself to do something like that so chances are this chick is gonna be in mourning for the next few days... I need to get a new hat. :'(

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